In the morning we met up with Sonja and Bert and took a short stroll along the iPhiva and iHlathi trails to the beach. It was already QUITE hot and humid out.

We then drove several hours to Swaziland. Swaziland has an area of around 17,300 square miles and is entirely enclosed by the Republic of South Africa. It has a population of about 1 million people and a wide range of ecozones, ranging from rain forest to savanna. It was extremely confusing and time-consuming to get across the border, but eventually we were on our way to Matsapha. As in South Africa, cars drive on the left. Cows and chickens freely crossed the small two-lane roads and direction signs were sparce. It took us a long time to find our hostel as a result.

Our hostel, like many Swazi buildings, was very brightly colored and decorated.

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