We learned that the ferries to Sicily weren't running because of rough seas so we just had to be satisfied with doing things on the island. We took the bus to a place called Clapham Junction, the location of some mysterious cart ruts. These are very old linear carvings cut deep into the relatively soft stone. They crisscross the entire island. One theory is that they were caused by carts from thousands of years ago, but their true cause is still a bit of a mystery. Nearby was also a large complex of caves in which people used to live way back when.

It was a rather unpleasant dusty walk with many large quarry trucks, but eventually we arrived at Dingli Cliffs. They were quite lovely... tall, light-colored rocks plunging into deep blue water. We walked along a small path at the base of some of the cliffs for a while. We reached a small underground chapel (unfortunately closed) then turned back.

We caught a bus back with only a little bit of stress.
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