DAY 16
At 5 am, we left to go dolphin watching in boat with bamboo side-runners. All other tours were only 2 hours but we got one for 6 (a bit more money but it proved to be quite worth it). We watched the other boats cluster after the dolphins then eventually turn to go back. We stayed out and were suddenly surrounded by dolphins on all sides, over 30 of them. We followed them for a good 1/2 hour, watching them jump, spin, flip, somersault, and do tail slaps.

Eventually it was time to go snorkeling. We watched the deep blue water suddenly change to a bright emerald green. The depth was only 3 to 6 feet and there were all kinds of coral, fish and other creatures. After a good two hours, we went back and had lunch on the beach (technically on a towel on the beach for the grey sand is much too hot! All the locals walk on it with no problem but they think the water is cold! For us it feels like a bathtub).

Unlike Bali, Lovina didn't have much of a cultural life: no dances, no music, no temples, no people in ceremonial outfits carrying things on their heads. It was also impossible to sit peacefully on the beach and watch the water for instantly at least 5 people would run up trying to sell you a sarong or a massage. Our hotel owner offered us a small bamboo gamelan concert consisting of him and his teacher. They turned out to be quite good. The instruments consisted of thin metal plates suspended over different length pieces of bamboo.
We took a night walk on the beach and watched the lights of the fishing boats far out on the water. Apparently they use the lanterns to lure the fish up and then haul them in with nets.
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