The storm last night was incredible! While we didn't hear the rain, the wind did blow hard enough to actually shake the little cabin. When we awoke, the skiers were clear, the air was cold, and new waterfalls streamed from the hills around us. We made one last visit to the sound before leaving the area.

The view from our cabin. Water now streamed from the hills.

Walking out at low tide

The colors of the morning

Click for a panoramic view

The nearby waterfall roared with double force.

Birds, such as this Red-billed Gull, were out in abundance.

A female Paradise duck

Oystercatches ran quickly by, skimming the water with their open beaks while making a high-pitched screaming sound.

There was plenty of life to be found on the rippled shore as well...

... from snails...

... to barnacle-covered oysters.

Bird tracks

Moss and reflections

A final look. It was still blue but the clouds were rolling in quickly.
We checked out shortly before 10 am and began the drive back to Te Anau. Debris from the storm littered the road. Large tourist busses and rows of cars passed us going the opposite direction, headed toward the sound. In a short amount of time, we were once again driving through Homer Tunnel and stopping to enjoy the keas.

Waterfall flowed everywhere.

Ascending into alpine scenery

Entering the Homer Tunnel, driving upwards this time

The keas dominate

We stopped again at scenic Monkey Creek for a few photos. It was bitter cold so we didn't stay too long!

Looking down the valley (direction Te Anau)...

... and back toward Milford Sound.

On the way to Te Anau, we made a few short stops, including Mirror Lakes again.

For comparision, Boulder (Colorado) lies on the 40th parallel North (which runs under Baseline Road).

Mirror Lakes

Tourist busses line the road at Eglinton Valley.
Once back in Te Anau, we looked around for some lunch. Everything was quite pricey or had zero vegetarian options. This was quite an expensive town. They even charged NZ$1 to use the bathrooms! Suffice to say, we eventually were able to find some cheap pies (including meat-free) and some free facilities.

Our delicious pies!

Really? People do this? Seems so precarious!
We next went to the tourist office across the street to find out about walking the Milford Track from here (since this is where it ends... or starts). When we asked how we could get to it, we were again offered a tour. We tried to find where the Kepler Track was... but that would cost $25 each for a water taxi. There were some glow worm caves nearby... but $75 each, please, for a tour.
Finally we gave up and just wandered along the lakeside, eventually coming to the Department of Conservation building. Not only was it filled with wonderful historical information, we also learned how to get to the Kepler Track... for free! We were starting to learn that the "i" sign, used to indicate "information," was being a bit abused. Apparently any ol' tourist office could just slap one up... so of course all they were going to do was try to sell you something.
We drove all of five minutes and found ourselves at the trailhead.