Polishing is hard work. One piece might be polished 100 to 1000 times.

Bracelets are slipped on using a plastic bag. A bracelet should always be worn on the left arm because it is believed this leads to the heart.

Jade has many different colors... red yellow, white, purple. But green is considered the best because it can change color over the years. Young jade is very bright green, whereas older pieces gain a greyish hue.

Bok choy or Chinese cabbage

A pair of horses

Our guardian lions

A dragon

The different layers within this sphere can all turn independently.

A pair of fierce lions (female on the left, male on the right)

An impressive dragon boat

A laughing Buddha holds a giant ingot.
The dictionary defintion of an ingot is "a material, usually metal, that is cast in a standard shape for convenient storage or shipment." Gold ingots were originally used in ancient China as a currency. They used to have a boat-like shape, symbolizing the transportation of riches from one person to another. They also represent wealth, abundance and prosperity.

What?? I'm 'just looking' at the money!
Some non-jade items:

A copy of a Terracotta warrior

Calligraphy paint brushes

Painted glass spheres