The crazy-big store

Lots of hats, but...

... even more boots!

Practice your hunting skills on this elk, for example

The girls were super friendly!

The jackalope (like the Wolpertinger in Germany) is an entertaining mythical creature composed of the parts of many different animals.
We exited the building and found ourselves in a large courtyard filled with oodles of silly things to do.

Free water on a hot day!

There were indeed several of these very tall bunnies, just as the billboards had advertised.

Bigger still was this jackalope!

Regan takes the reigns!

Ok, now we can skip Mt. Rushmore.

Me and my caboose

Without a picture, I doubt if you would have believed me!

We then entered another building across the way, which offered more shopping, more food, and even more attractions.

A feel of the Old West

It was here that we discovered the T-Rex, locked safely behind a large wall. Even though we knew it was fake, it was rather unnerving standing under it! Suddenly the red lights started flashing and the T-Rex began to move. He stood up another several feet and swung his head back and force menacingly. Eventually, when he couldn't break past his confinement, he settled back down.

Rows of sharp teeth and lots of roars!

How well do you know your barbed wire?

A wax model of Wild Bill and Doc Holiday playing cards. While this is not the famous "Dead Man's Hand," it does show that cheating was taken seriously back than.

A miner's best friend

Images of old times... the good but also a heck of a lot of the bad

Burial of the dead after the Battle of Wounded Knee, 1891

A public hanging (this was a series of photos that ended with a dangling body)

It was apparently important to note that she was not white

Calamity Jane was the subject of many dime novels... regardless of what reality was like, she made a good story.
We took a break and had some lunch which included our free ice water and Regan's 5 cent coffee.

Enjoying his numerous condiments!

Yup... only 5 cents. Although he confirmed that you get what you pay for!

This is what made them famous.... cold water!
After lunch, we couldn't resist the sweet treat of a malted milkshake. I got mint chocolate, but Regan got marshmallow. It wasn't quite as good as he had hoped!

Not too sure about his flavor choice!
We could have stayed longer, but the Badlands were calling. So we hit the road again.