The backside of water!

Behind the falls

The other side
Eventually we headed back down the hill, once again along the numerous cascades.

In places, the water looked just like glass.

An abandoned snail shell

This spider web might look abandoned, but I bet an unsuspecting insect passing by would get quite a surprise!

The towering cliff walls

Heading back down the bike path along the Colorado River
By 1:30 pm, we were back on the road. We got off the highway in Palisade and followed signs toward Carlson Winery.

Ok, I get 34 1/2... but C 1/2?? What is a half of a C?

Just so you didn't think it was a one-time thing!
They offered MANY wines to taste... all for free! Many of them were made from fruit other than grapes (such as peaches, plums, cherries, apricots, pears, etc). We ended up buying several bottles... it was so yummy and such a fun, friendly experience.

A loooooong tasting list!

Along with straight wines, we also got to taste a delicious punch made with cherry wine and lemonade.

And even better... we also got to taste the cherry wine in a chocolate-rimmed cup!

The labels were a lot of fun too!

A few of the grapes
It was quite warm when we finally checked into the Mesa Inn in Grand Junction. In order in keeping with showing Regan all our American traditions (both good and bad), I ordered us some Domino's pizza... room delivered!