KINGS CANYON (Day 3 - part 2)
We arrived at Zumwalk Meadow and took the trail that encircled it.

North Dome has an elevation of 8,717 feet

The trail started along the rocky base of the canyon wall.

Looking back up the trail with its numerous large boulders

Then it turned inward toward the meadow...

.. and again by South Fork Kings River

Zumwalt Meadow is named after D.K. Zumwalt, an executive at Southern Pacific Railroad who was able to preserve this area in the early 1900's.

Wild roses

We made our way back to the visitor center.

Another quick view of Roaring River Falls
We drove the short way out to Road's End, which yes, was indeed the end of the road, and had some lunch among the large trees.

A Steller's Jay made an appearance, hoping we were feeling generous with handouts.

Apparently birds aren't the only one who frequent this picnic area!

Wow! I've heard you can't get blood from a stone but they never said anything about water from a rock!
We left the canyon and the National Park on our way down to Stony Creek Village. We made site-seeing several stops along the way.

From this viewpoint, it's easier to see the u-shape of the canyon.

Oooh... ice-cream... dangerous stuff!

Another view of the canyon as we leave it behind

EEK! Smoke! Fortunately it was a controlled burn, which are necessary both to prevent larger wildfires that rage out of control as well as for the trees and plants that require fire as part of their life cycles.

A small flame burns among the trees
At Hume Lake, we got out of the car for a quick look around. The 87-acre lake lies behind a large concrete dam built in 1908. Since the cessation of logging in 1924, the lake's purpose has shifted industry to recreation.

Pretty darn idyllic!
We arrived at the Stony Creek Lodge and checked in for two nights. Our room was in one of the back buildings. We were warned vehemently about not leaving ANYTHING that might have a yummy smell (even lip balm) in the car. The bears had learned how to use their body weight to pop out the front windshields!!

The main lodge

The place even had its own gas station!

Our room

Ok, so the view wasn't the best but the area was still amazing!
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