CABRILLO & LA JOLLA (Day 8 - part 9)

All sorts of birds filled the air, following the numerous fishing boats. ... Terns swoop and dive.

A passing seagull ... An oystercatcher watches a sea lion give a youngster a kiss.
More drama, but this time with the seagulls. Apparently one of them found a piece of food and EVERYONE wanted a piece...

Trying to escape with the goods ...

... but the entire flock follows.

A rock of pelicans
In spite of their bulky appearance, pelicans are relatively light due to air pockets in their skeletons and beneath their skin. They have a large gular (throat) pouch for catching prey. Depending on the species, they’ll eat fish, salamanders, crayfish, insects and even turtles, other birds and mammals. To catch a meal, the bird scoops up a pouch of food-filled water. It then drains the water before swallowing the remaining contents. Gulls will distract them (by pecking on their heads) to steal any exposed fish before the pelican can swallow it. Pelicans in turn will steal from other pelicans, cormorants and even from baby pelicans in neighboring nests. A pelican will never fly with a full pouch.
Brown Pelicans are the smallest species and can be found year-round along the coast but also sometimes in freshwater areas.

A good preening

The throats are so very bizarre looking!

Ready ... and takeoff!

Baby pigeon gets a meal from one of its parents.
More sea lion drama...

The facial expressions are wonderful!

And another...

"Guys! Pay attention to me!" ... "Uh, helloooooo!"

"Anybody?" ... If you can't beat em, join em.
More squabbles...

Everyone just be quiet!
And what is going on here??...

"Pssst, wake up." ... "Huuuh?"


"Oh, that was awkward!" ... "Honey! Hoooooney!" "No, no, shhhh, don't say anything!"

"HONEY!" "Ok, ok, I'm here." ... "You won't believe what he just did!" "Uh, well, since he's a LOT bigger than me, I guess it's just going to have to be ok!"
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