UNIVERSAL STUDIOS (Day 5 - part 8)
What to do next? We found a monitor that gave us an update to ride wait times and upcoming show times so we could devise a plan.

On our way to the Jurassic World ride, we came across a baby velociraptor. Yes, I know it's a handpuppet but wow!

The little beast started to get snappy at people, so its handler decided it was getting tired and time to take it back.

(left) Notice how its eyes have closed.
"Jurassic World: The Ride" is a dark water ride attraction which opened in 1996 but underwent a major refurbishment in 2018. Each boat holds 25 people. Along with numerous animatronics, one part of the ride was lined with massive video screens, giving the illusion of passing through a humongous aquarium... complete with a feisty Mosasaurus.

The accompanying story is that we are guests on the island about to embark on a tour. Misters and fans are running, creating the feeling of a tropical island. Along with informative signs about the dinosaurs we are about to see, there are overhead monitors displaying the island's tv station, Jurassic World Network. We are given a hint of warning that something has happened but told not to worry, it's all under control.

Discussing the genetic science

Information about Jurassic World

You don't have to worry even though some of the red warning lights are going off!
We hopped into the boat and floated on our way. The Mosasaurus Aquarium was spectacular! The shimmering reflection of the water felt not unlike walking through the shark tunnel in Las Vegas! There is even a large shark swimming by... which is immediately snapped up as a tiny snack for the Mosasaurus. We see it swimming on one side of the screens, then appearing to swim beneath us onto the other set of screens. Just as we are about to leave the room, it swims up and stares directly at us. Suddenly it bashes against the "glass" which we see begin to crack.
Things get more peaceful (briefly) as we drift through the giant gates into the park. Everything is now a lush, tropical jungle filled with giant, gentle, vegetarian dinosaurs. As we pass into the predator section, chaos ensues. The Indominus rex and Tyrannosaurus rex have broken free. Warning lights are flashing and small monitors depict characters from the movie telling us to remain calm. After many close calls, our boat suddenly drops 84 feet to the pool below. In case you can't tell, I absolutely loved it!
Super Nintendo World opened in February of this year and is based on Nintendo video game. Being completely unfamiliar with it, I didn't know what all the buildings and characters were supposed to be.

The augmented reality dark ride, Mario Kart: Bowser's Challenge, is based on the Mario Kart 8 video game. The four-person, racecar-looking vehicle follows a railtrack. Augmented reality glasses allow guests to see various images moving around them.
The line took us through a castle filled with countless images and items from that world.

Again, a clever mixture of real items and a projection screen embedded within them allowed images to float freely about actual objects.

Unfortunately, the instructions were unclear, the place was highly understaffed (with one obviously inexperienced guy making an announcement that we please don't sue them!), and the special goggles were difficult to put on. You first had to strap on a visor hat (there weren't enough of them, which kept causing delays). Then once you were seated in the cart, you had to clip some goggles onto it (which was very rushed because you also had to lock yourself in with the steering wheel). It was all far too complicated (apparently they had also originally required you to wear a special watch as well but fortunately got rid of that). My goggle wires were stuck and so I wasn't ready by the departure time. The attendant came over, rushed to help me, then pushed the steering column down for me but did it WAY too tight. Apparently you're supposed to try to somehow shoot things. How and what, I still am not sure. At the end of the ride, you are shown a point total.

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