PALM SPRINGS (Day 4 - part 3)
We arrived at our quest ... "Forever Marilyn" by Seward Johnson.

The 26-foot-tall sculpture weighs 14,000 pounds and is made from stainless steel and aluminum. The artist chose this pose because it shows an exuberance for life without inhibition. She is part of an "icons Revisited" series which explores why some images so captivate us that they become larger than life.

We took a different street back to the car so we could see a few more art installations.

"History of Suspended Time (A monument for the impossible)" stands in front of Palm Springs Art Museum. The restored 1968 Chevy Malibu (which weighs some 2,500 pounds) appears to defy gravity as it hangs over a 40-foot-diameter pool. The idea began as a performance during which the artist hoisted a car above a lake using a crane and then dropped it into the water while filming with a high-speed camera. The camera caught this moment, right before the car broke the lake’s surface.... which was then recreated into this still piece.

The drive continues...

Hitting traffic ... although quickly we were going in the "right" direction against the major flow.
We met my sister in Fullerton where we had dinner at one of my favorite restaurants... Rutabegorz.

I had a delicious sandwich but I was too hungry and excited to eat to remember to take a shot of it. I did get the cookies though!
The weather was lovely and it was still light out, so we walked a few blocks down the street to wander around the historic high school.

Fullerton Union High School began in 1893 as a single classroom for 8 students in a rented room on the second floor of an elementary school. The library consisted of 32 books. It was the second high school in Orange County. By 1908, a larger space was needed, but the day before the new building could be occupied in 1910, it burned down. So a new (its current) location was selected, farther away from the loud railroad tracks. In 1911, a walnut orchard was removed and building began.

The 1910 building before the fire

Plummer Auditorium was built in 1930-32.
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