MEE CANYON (Day 4 - part 3)

As tempted as I was to keep going, I knew I had a long way back and daylight tended to be short. It would be dark in a couple hours. So I turned back.

The spires again

As I neared the mouth of the canyon, I noticed some people standing in the path. A bighorn sheep walked right past them! I joined them for a while as we watched a small herd. Two males were intent on pushing the females farther up the cliff until they were eventually out of sight.

Move along!

I explored the rocky shoreline for bit before making my way back up to camp. Many of the campsites were now full.

Our campsite upriver ... The spires to my right

I rested a bit at camp, enjoying the sights and sounds of the approaching evening. It was cooling off quickly already.

The passenger train chugged by. As it passed the neighboring camp upriver from us, we heard a lot of hooting and hollering. I suspect there was some mooning going on!

Starting dinner

A good view of the amphitheater

The moon ... and playful clouds

Home(camp)made potato soup! Yum!!
