MEE CANYON (Day 4 - part 1)

Again the night was extremely cold. It was a short float (Mile 8 to 13.2, the Mee 2 campsite) but there would be plenty of hiking opportunities once we got there.

Today's stretch of river

Warming up with a hot cheese and egg bagel sandwich ... making peanut butter and jelly bagel sandwiches for the hikes later

We were underway shortly after 10:30 am. We heard several more gunshots then saw a hunter along the bank. He quickly disappeared into the shrubs. Cliff said it was possible he was also hunting ducks.

The infamous Salt Creek

Up ahead, train tracks joined the river and ran parallel to it for the rest of our trip. They are owned by the Union Pacific Railroad.

A large side canyon

Suddenly, on a steep slope at the bottom of an even steeper cliff, we noticed a bighorn sheep. We then noticed two more bighorn, a male and a female. It quickly became obvious that it was their rutting (or mating) season.... and that the one lone male bighorn whom we'd first noticed was the unhappy loser. He just kept his distance while the other male bighorn made his move on the female. He stuck to her like glue.

Eventually she decided to run from him. He pursued. They ran back and forth and back and forth along the cliff ledges. At some point, we could even hear them panting quite loudly as they passed by us. They must have been getting exhausted! Unfortunately we drifted out of sight and didn't get to see how the drama ended.

The loser

No matter where she went, he followed.

What's a girl to do? ... Run!

The chase

Getting tired

We pulled up to the campsite and unloaded the boat. The train tracks ran along the base of the cliff across the river.

A maintenance truck cruises the tracks.

Not too far away was a "small" canyon that ended in a large amphitheater. Even though it was quite hot out, we decided to hike up and have our packed lunch there.

Steep! No trail.

Me in the amphitheater!


We sat for a while, eating and enjoying the view.

Rafters on the river faaaar below
