BUS TOUR & MUSEUMS (Day 5 - part 5)

Overlooking Jackson Square

Some musicians play a song or two

The War of 1812 pitted a young USA against its former ruler, Great Britain, in a conflict that lasted almost 3 years and culminated in the Battle of New Orleans. Sometimes thought of as the second American Revolution, the unexpected victory reiterated America's independence.

A wood John Law tilt-top table from circa 1780

The scenes depict the fall of the Company of the Indies, a private company run by Scottish financier John Law that administered French Louisiana between 1717 - 1731. Many Europeans invested in it, causing the stock value to rapidly rise. When the company was unable to pay dividends, everyone experienced a financial collapse. Many stockholders lost their fortunes. Impoverished Dutch investors hold papers with phrases such as "It's all a lie," Poverty at the end" and "I would never have thought it was all wind."

This statue of Joan of Arc was donated in 1918 by the Museum of French Art to the Louisiana Historical Society. It is a smaller replica of one unveiled in New York City in 1915.

While we saw Homer Plessy's tomb on our first cemetery tour, this is the original stone which had been damaged. It was actually cheaper to just make a new one than try to fix this one.

The prison ... Stocks of wood and iron from 1750-1850
Stocks were mounted on a platform in the Place d'Armes (Jackson Square) where prisoners were confined in them while wearing signs with their names and offenses. Colonial officials felt that torturing and executing alleged criminals in public wold discourage illegal acts.
As mentioned earlier, conditions in the old two-story prison were abysmal. This led to numerous escape attempts. Most of it was torn down once the new prison was built in 1839 near Congo Square.

Ten Dollar Reward from 1837 ... $1,000 reward from 1814
When enslaved workers ran away, their owners often published ads in local newspapers. When captured, the runaways were often taken to the Cabildo jail where they were held until their owners came to get them. If no owner could be found, the slaves were sold at public auction, with the proceeds going to the police department.
Pierre Laffite (brother to Jean) was imprisoned here in 1814. After he escaped, this ad was published. No one ever claimed it. Instead, the brothers were pardoned after providing aid and supplies to Andrew Jackson's troops during the Battle of New Orleans.

Juan San Malo was an enslaved man who escaped into the local swamps. There he started communities to help others. He was caught, arrested and sentenced to death. He was executed in Jackson Square in 1784. This is a page of the court case.

Don Andres Almonester y Roxas (1724-1798) came to Louisiana in 1769. He started as a notary and clerk of the cabildo and eventually acquired enough wealth and social standing to purchase a seat on the town council. After the 1794 fire, Almonester offered to pay for the construction of a new building. The council promised to pay him back, however, he unexpectedly died before it was finished. A long court battle with his widow ensued.

Map of New Orleans around 1724. ... The Great Conflagration of New Orleans in 1788 started in a house located less than one block from the church. It spread quickly and burned for over four hours, damaging or destroying four-fifth of the French Quarter, including the 1769 Cabildo.

Upstairs to the art exhibit featuring painter Hunt Slonem

He painted bunnies as his warm-up practice.

A photo of the man at work ... His well-used easel.
The path to the exit led us through the lower level where there was an exhibit of the local street names matched with the person it was named after.

The outside courtyard
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