DRIVE (Day 15 - part 2)
On the way out of town, we swung by the world's tallest thermometer. Built in 1991, the 134-foot-tall thermometer honors the world's hottest recorded temperature of 134 degrees, from July 10, 1913 in Death Valley. Its own personal highest recorded temperature: 127 degrees in August 1995.

To cook an egg outside, the skillet temperature would have to be 158 degrees.
We continued east on Interstate 15. Just before the border (leaving California into Nevada), we passed the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System.

A joshua tree .... the solar power station

Consisting of three solar thermal power plants, this is the world's largest solar thermal power station. The facility formally opened the beginning of 2014.

Approaching the border and Primm

Desperado is a hypercoaster (a type of roller coaster with a height or drop of at least 200 feet) at the Buffalo Bill's Hotel and Casino. In 1996, it was listed as the world's tallest roller coaster, featuring a 225-foot drop and a maximum speed of 80 mph. A portion of the ride runs through the interior of the casino.

Plenty of billboards!
Las Vegas...

Continuing through Nevada...

The Nevada Welome Center rest stop
Into Arizona, the next state...

Virgin River gorge

Fourth and final state of the day... Utah

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