I continued to wander among the cliffs for a while... exploring the many tiny caves and crawlspaces.

A shepherd keeps a watchful eye over his sheep.

Ooooh... one of the Imperial roof decorations from China!

Are you buying it??

Very goblin-esque!

How many faces can you find in here?!

Overlooking the valley below

I made my way back down to the valley floor and headed slowly back to my car through a sea of bizarre shapes. The wind was really starting to pick up.

A potential awkward exchange between two rock columns...

... turns into a highly passionate moment with just a few steps in the right direction!
I headed over to the campground. I was hoping to set up my tent but it was far too windy and I felt there was the strong possibility it could blow away while I was gone. I had some lunch then headed out to find the trail to Goblin's Lair.

My site was way in the back with my own back canyon!
The wind continued to get worse and worse, and by the time I started along the trail, it was whipping the sand around... into my eyes, into my teeth, into places I wasn't even aware I had!

The starting view

Wild Horse Butte

The Three Sisters

The path down to the bottom of the cliffs

A person for scale

The path down was often steep and slippery... and the constant wind didn't help!

Down on the floor

The path wrapped around this cliff, which actually marks the far side of Valley 1 I had just been in.

A group of Evening Primroses take refuge in a clump of grasses, including some Indian Rice Grass.

Molly's Castle
I continued along the outside of the cliffs for a bit. Eventually the path turned into a wide cleft in the cliffs.

The cleft in the cliffs
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